“MEDOBEER” is a our bottle conditioned artisanal farmhouse beer made with honey
“MEDOBEER” is a our bottle conditioned artisanal farmhouse beer made with honey
We produce MEDOBEER in our meadery in Smolenice. It is produced with unique secondary fermentation method directly in the bottle, similar to the best Belgian specials. Through this old-world traditional process, it acquires a silky profile and a naturally smooth carbonation.
The story of Medobeer is connected with times long gone, with the drink called braggot. Braggot is a drink of legends on the border between mead and beer, which combines both brewing and mead-making traditions.
Despite using local honey in the production of MEDOBEER, you do not have to worry about it being overly sweet. Honey is added before fermentation, allowing the yeast to consume the sweetness of the honey, leaving behind the sensory imprint of honey aroma in the beer.
After a summer day spent working around the hives, even the most dedicated beekeeper appreciates a cold beer more than the best mead in the world.
Although we poured our heart and soul into meadmaking, mead is still a beverage more suitable for special occasions than for quenching thirst after hours of hard work in the apiary.
In 2008 on our way back from our first world mead competition in the USA, we stumbled upon a local meadmaker who introduced us to his honey beer. Wow, what a discovery!
We discovered beer does not have to taste just the way we have known it. Our previous notions of beer taste have been replaced by new, more interesting ideas.
Gradually, through further travels around the world, we discovered that the farm-brewed beers from small family breweries are closest to our hearts. And we, in addition to our meadery, also run a farm. Although a bit unconventional, special – a bee farm… and so the idea of farm-brewed honey beer was born.
We do not aim to imitate the taste of traditional, globally renowned beers from farmhouse breweries in Belgium or France. Instead, with respect for the original roots, i.e., beer produced on a farm from local ingredients for the immediate surroundings, we strive to create a contemporary/authentic concept of farmhouse beer in our conditions.
We aim to produce local beer that reflects the essence of this place, these times, and the local ingredients. It is be unique to this place and incomparable to anything else in the world.
We want our beers to reflect the sense of this place, and of our people who contributed to its creation. We strive for a clear footprint of this place, indicating where they were crafted. Smolenice is the first village in the Little Carpathians wine region, and although it is not conventional, we believe that beer, too, can reflect its “terroir”.